The College Girl Looking for a Job

Hello Loves,

The thought of winter break kinda of  diminished all the creative juices I had. I spent this lovely break working and laying in bed, trying to find something that was worth binge watching. Between Netflix and Amazon Prime it’s really hard to commit to something once you’ve already watched the big dogs like, Orange is the New Black, House of Cards, Grey’s, Scandal, HTGAWM, The Black List, SOA,  Breaking Bad and I can’t forget how I committed 10 hours of my life to Making a Murderer only to find out he’s back in jail. Nonetheless, I woke up this morning and was inspired to write a post after I walked my two dogs. Nothing wakes you up like standing in windy 16 degree cold weather, waiting for your dog to do its business.

For the past two weeks I have been applying for jobs. After breaking it to boss lady that i’m not down with grad school, it was agreed that come August i need to be working for someone’s company. I personally gave myself a week after graduation to have job. I graduate on a Thursday. The following Monday i need to to be waking up early to head to a job.  I’ve applied to so many places from agencies to organizations. I’ve applied to places that are asking for years of experience in the hope that they’ll see my crisp resume and pristine cover letter and decide to take a chance on this newly under grad graduate.  I’ve gotten some straight  no’s and some “you’re a perfect candidate, but we just filled the position.” I’ve gotten a few phone interviews and now i’m just going through the process. This whole thing is a process. A stressful and nerve racking  one, but one i need to go through. I’m back in school in a winter class because the credits were needed. I’m preparing for a busy year. Not because of classes, but because of all the extracurricular activities i have committed myself to. I’m the department intern for my major and I’m helping out with a huge convention hosted by  the university. I’m so excited for my last semester in school and ready to be gently tossed into the career of communication.

Goals for this semester

Keep my room organized:Anyone who truly knows me is probably cracking up at that.

Save more money: I have a nice chunk of change so far.

Just enjoy whats left of college!

Well that wasn’t to bad. Short, sweet, simple, and to the point.

Love you for reading


The College Girl and Finals Week

Hello to whoever decided to read this.

I haven’t really had a chance to write much this week. If you can’t tell by the title, just finished up my finals and i’m officially on winter break! Woot Woot!! My last couple of weeks revolved around me scrambling to finish some pitch, presentation or paper that had been assigned in the beginning of the semester. And in typical fashion, I waited longer than i should have to attend to these assignments. Side note, procrastination is not for the weak and I don’t recommend it. I finished an Event Planning Class and learned planning an actual professional event is also not for the weak and easily flustered.I may consider a career in it if things go right. I struggled through Accounting and realized accounting and all aspects of accounting are for people who sincerely enjoy the profession. I for one, do not. Which is why I am a communications students. Numbers aren’t my forte. Now that being said, I pulled a B out of the class! Once again, Woot! Woot!

One things that will always provide comic relief during this time is seeing someone who hardly ever came to class come to the class review before the final exam and ask all the questions. These people are bold and I commend them for the effort in trying to cram a whole semester into this one class. It’s as if they are saying “i’m not flunking without a fight.” God bless these people and good luck on taking the same class next semester.

After I submitted my online English paper with two hours to spare, me and my lovely ladies took a trip to see the decorated houses in Hampden. We than went to a great Mexican restaurant and had it up.It was a great way to end the semester.

All that being said, finals week wasn’t the worst for me this time around.  I’m home with boss lady and the pooches and plan on blogging a lot more over break. I end this post with three things for the college girl and guy when it comes to the end of the semester.

1.Procrastination is not for the faint of heart. If it gets assigned early, have it done before it’s to late. I’ve seen professors laugh right in a students face when asked for an extension on a 15 page paper that was assigned the first day of class.

2.Prioritize. Your just gonna have to sit out for the last of the festivities at the end of the semester sometimes.

3.Humble yourself when you go home. I know you’ve gotten accustom to leaving your dorm whenever you want and going wherever you want but your just gonna have to get over it. If your parents are kicking out the money to send you back in the spring there’s no stumbling into the house at two o’clock in the morning. Respect the rules. You’ll be back at school within a month.

Good luck loves and thanks for reading!





The College Girl and Her Extremely Amateur Photo Shoot.




Hello Blogging Family,

Happy Holidays, Seasons Greetings, and all that politically correct stuff. Hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving, and to those who don’t celebrate, I hope you spent time with your family, friends, and loved  ones.

I decided to go to school less than an hour away from my house. I was ready to venture on my own, but not states away on my own. I work close to home on the weekends as well, so coming home to my actual house on the holidays isn’t that big of a deal for me. But nonetheless i still enjoyed the time I had with boss lady and the rest of my family.

Not much to say on this post but there are quite a few things for me to show. Before my mini break I decided I wanted take a gander at being like the other hip and happening female bloggers I’ve seen on the wonderful world wide web. I wanted to take professional pictures on a fancy camera. I wanted to have backgrounds of the forest and city skyscrapers to show that i was well tuned with mother earth, and  had some exciting street style night life.  My original plan was to go to my schools photo department, checkout a camera, and have my friend take pictures of me in front of the wonderful greenery that surrounds my school. No night life, but i was getting somewhere. 

This plan went up in smoke when I was told by the photo staff, that they don’t have enough cameras to rent out to  non photo majors. I was livid! My whole plan was based on these photo’s looking as professional as a Business Communication student could get them, with me barley knowing what i was doing.  So I tossed my plans away and started from scratch. I grabbed a few cute outfits, my iPhone 6s , my friend Conrad and proceeded to have an amateur makeshift photo shoot in the common area of the dormitory.  I wanted to go out of my comfort zone, hence the copper orange hair.(not the official color name) I threw on some makeup with a lovely dark lip for the fall. I added  a comfy sweater that makes me want to wrap up on the couch with hot chocolate and pay homage to Shonda Rhymes and watch Grey’s and Scandal. My friend was a great sport and got all the angles i wanted. I called myself being artsy, but in reality I just wanted to show off my vibrant hair, cute dresses, and warm sweater.

I’m young and in college. I can do that.

Megan M

The College Girl Who Thought She Could Just Get By

Hello Blogging Family,

It’s been a busy week for me. Heard some great PR and community relations experts speak, and managed to do some networking. I finalized my internship for next semester, and laid down some ground work for a potential job after graduation. It’s never to early so keep your fingers crossed for me! My week of networking has showed me that knowing what you want to do, and actually doing it are two different things. My freshmen year i could tell anyone who asked that I wanted to be in Public Relations. It did’t matter where or for who, I just wanted to develop new marketing campaigns, mange social media platforms, and do all the behind the scene work to get people to pay attention. As a freshmen I had no idea what it would take to even have someone look at my resume let alone give me the time of day for an interview. For some reason I had no intention on being involved when it came to college. I would go to my classes, turn in my work, and in four years I graduate and attempt to get a job. I laugh now at the idea of a foolish communication college student truly believing they could just make it by. You  have to build relationships with people in and outside of your comfort zone. I met students who I never expected to connect with the way I  did. I was able to find people who share my values and have educated disagreements with others who didn’t. By Junior year I found myself waist deep in extracurricular activities that had me booked. I’m so thankful to opening myself up to new experiences in college. I can say, I’m someone who fears change and the unknown.

College was the “big” unknown for me. But with time and council from my betters I’ve accepted the unknown. It’s insane how just when I have this college thing down to a science i’ll face the next big unknown. For some odd reason I have fears that i’ll put in the hard work, and lay the foundation for my pending post grad life, and i’ll have nothing to show for it. Than i remind myself that the lessons i have learned, the knowledge I have gained, and the people i have met along the way (whether they are still in my life or not) are  huge part of what made my experience great. Sure, everyone has some hard lessons they had to learn while in college but these are mine. I am proud of them and i’ll stand by them.As a senior I know exactly what I want to do, and what I want for my future. I work harder and harder everyday to get it!

Megan M


Hair, Makeup, Clothes, and Food. The College Girls Costly Desires

The extent of my income before I came to a University was minimum wage at a children’s clothing store. I was pretty much being paid to sell clothes and babysit little girls as they tore apart the store. It wasn’t until my Junior year in school, that I started to make enough money to barley give “Boss Lady”, her respected funds every month. I have two jobs as of right now that pay hourly. Since I only have to pay my monthly dues and put gas in my car, mathematically I should have enough money saved up to at least pay for rent in a basic apartment if I get a job after graduation. But that  scenario is one that only exist a in a perfect world. I live in the world where cosmetics companies have their own Instagram page. A world where getting a wash and and set at the salon isn’t enough anymore. It’s a world where I can get stomach worth of food and more for ten dollars, and two dollars extra with guacamole. A world where  you don’t need to go into stores to buy things that you may or may not need. This is a virtual world where you can get what you want all with the click of the ever so enticing “Check Out” button. As a child of the the social media era, these things are forced down my throat on every social media platform. If some one isn’t posting their twenty dollar meal from TGIF or their latest makeup haul from Sephora, my day wouldn’t be complete. I find myself actually looking up beauty gurus on YouTube for suggestions on products that I can’t afford. I literally will think about what I have to go without to get the new thirty-three dollar foundation from MAC. If I don’t get takeout at work for lunch than maybe I  can order the new Christmas lipsticks from ColourPop. (Great matte lipsticks by the way.)  Once a payday hits, I’m in my shopping cart on some online boutique. While making sure I still have enough to pay my dues in the back of my mind, i’m wondering can i get a little or a lot of what i want. And than there’s hair. In my early high school days I can honestly say I had a long healthy mane. A few bad dye jobs,bangs, and a trim gone to far have left me with the mushroom style I have now. But there are way too many options out there when it comes to hair and I take advantage of quite a few of them. These alternatives alone can be the cost of my monthly dues. Paying for or maintaining hair that isn’t yours is costly. So ladies if you got it take care of it. It’s probably much more cost effective. “Boss Lady” will always tell me that I’m horrible at saving, or that one day the real world is going to hit me. I don’t think it has yet, but when it does i’d rather not be the girl who has all the latest with  little to nothing in savings.”Boss Lady’s” favorite thing to say to me these days is ” It’s hard out there when your finally get on your own.” I imagine it will be hard if i’m ever going to live an independent life that doesn’t have the safety net that some parents provide after their kids graduate. I never want to have the mentality that once I go out on my own I can come back home if things don’t work out. So, from this day forward i’m gonna make things work. Am i going to find a great place right after graduation and a have  a job lined up and waiting? I can only dream. But I know something I can do to start off right. Save the money I do have. After all, materialistic things didn’t get me to senior year in college.

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Megan M

Do I Have Enough to Say to Start a Blog

So  I went to this Networking Mixer at my school and the Keynote Speaker was Jamie Winston. Professional Photographer, Traveler, and Entrepreneur.   Her message was simple, but her quirkiness and passion to actually do whatever made her happy is what inspired me. She said a few things that stood out to  me. The first was “under promise and over deliver”. The moment she said this something in me clicked. Not only in an academic sense, but in a social sense I have overbooked myself way beyond capacity. The second thing Jamie said was she’s done so much and her resume is more than impressive than most.But, she doesn’t have one because she has never needed one. I had to whisper to my friend sitting next to me, “she’s a boss”. I could’t even imagine never having to go on a single interview, never having to write a cover letter, or provide writing samples, because I have been my own boss. I’m in no position to as a soon to be college grad turn down any interview, but this woman spoke to me. I approached her after the event and thanked her for the message, and how she truly is a role model. I joked to the same friend and mentioned how she makes me want to do something exciting with my life. We laughed and it was suggested that i should start a blog. The idea was all fun and games until I found myself researching any and all blogs related to young woman in college.The topic and themes of these blogs were overwhelming. Love, teen love, being in love in college, being in college,making it in college, graduating college, what to do after you do graduate college, what to not do after you graduate college. Any random thought, idea, or issue a young woman could having while paying her dues to higher education, there’s someone giving their opinion on it. And so here’s mine. As someone ecstatic and terrified about post college life i’m so excited to share what I have learned, the things i’m still learning an any other wacky random thoughts that come to mind. I like to think that i am growing into becoming my own “boss” these days.

I think I can make this blog thing work

Megan M